Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm feeling quite cranky right now- Maggie & Ian's high school is having a debate about AP classes - whether or not they should offer more of them. I'm on the LESS OF THE DAMN THINGS side! I've had to take myself out of the Facebook debate run by one of their teachers (who I adore) because I'm so sick of fricking know-it-all 20 year olds!! Could there be anything more annoying than someone who has no concept of "gray" - especially a certain Mark M or Dan C??? Ye gods - save me from the self-centered little ass-holes who seem to have taken over the wonderful school of ACMA!!

rant rant rant rant rant
- well, at least it got my mind off of McCain and the bitch for an evening!!
And reminded me of how much I love and respect the young adults in my life - Marcelo, Mateo, Maggie, Ian and Hanna!!!

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