Saturday, September 20, 2008

How wonderful! I've just started a blog - so now I can add all my randomness here. I'm trying out blogspot, because I am finding a lot of Peace Corp volunteers in Paraguay use it. I've got "Asunción" and "Paraguay" on my google alerts - and, in addition to news, I get a lot of blogs that mention either of those. I've since found a few AFSers as well as the aforementioned PCVers.
Reading about their experiences has made me homesick/nostalgic for my
AFS year - as well as my twenties! Not that I want to go back - I just remember when it seemed like you could do anything you wanted - and not really have to worry about the consequences. Like how will my decisions affect my family. Which, of course, they do - but it's different when it's parents/siblings vs spouse/children, y'know?
Well - this is a just a start - it's getting late and we're heading up to Seattle tomorrow to meet an Orkut friend (for the 1st time) and pick up some stuff that she has brought from my family in
Asunción for me and my family here.
I'll explain all this in another blog - family. It's incredible.

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